Monday, May 6, 2013

Second Group Status Update

Our group, after much preliminary research, finally focused our efforts into one major idea for our research paper. We decided it would be worth it to venture into the field of genetic engineering, specifically genetic manipulation. We as a group believe that this type of modification of human beings is ethically unsound, and should not be used except in the most dire circumstances. We decided to combat the cosmetic usage of genetic manipulation and prove that it does pose many risks to health, not only in the individual being treated, but also in the offspring of that individual. With these general ideas now in mind, we are ready to begin our full research in the project. I will be focusing on the history of genetics along with the founding of the Human Genome Project so as to establish a basis for genetic research and an understanding of where we are today. Also, I am in charge of researching the health risks of genetic modification as well as the social consequences of doing so.

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